Thursday, April 06, 2006

Eat Less and Exercise

A new blogger has recently joined us: with the subject of diet and exercise. There were a couple of points within this website that I thought were important enough to comment on. He starts by saying, "Why am I skinny, and what do I do?" Well, this is what he does:

  • Power up with breakfast Energy for the day Many studies have shown that people who always eat breakfast weigh less than those who skip this meal. (My comments in italics)
  • Eat good stuff: Fruit and vegetables, Whole grains, Lean meat. I think for most people this is common knowledge
  • Eat Often By eating 6 times a day, I know my next meal is just around the corner. It feels like I'm always eating because pretty much, every 2-3 hours, I am. The key with eating often is that I never eat until I'm stuffed. I can't because I've got another snack or meal just two hours away and I want to be ready. Now here is uncommon knowledge! For most people their biggest problem-their biggest fear-is the feeling of hunger itself. By doing this that feeling is taken away to be replaced by the anticipation of the next meal. My only observation would be that these meals would need to be calorie controlled for those who need to lose weight, as their total calorie intake would probably need to be less than 1500 calories per day.
  • Eating Out Don't! It's expensive, rarely healthy and always too salty. Eating out for those who are dieting is always dangerous territory. It's very hard to say no, and once you've said yes it's hard to say no to anything! Maybe the solution is - DON'T!
  • Exercise Exercise 2 or 3 times a week preferably in a group, this will help to keep you motivated. To be honest, easy to say but hard to do. Fatties or skinnies, we've all been here!
  • Wrap it up No secrets, no gimmicks. nothing fancy! There are no secrets here, most of this is common sense; but it needs to be said.

I must add one personal statement: If you are serious about losing weight or lots of it you can't avoid being hungry at some point. The only way to go hungry without feeling hungry is to be asleep! Don't go to bed on a full stomach. Let your last meal be your lightest meal. Your tummy may be rumbling but you'll be asleep. Whenever I have lost weight this is the only method that works for me. This is a very important subject for so many people so I will return to this topic.

1 comment:

kontan said...

great points! things that really aren't that hard to do too. eat less and exercise, what a concept!