Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Global Warming: Man-Made or Natural?

There is no doubt that the Earth is warming up. The retreat of glaciers across the world and the melting polar-ice-caps give visual proof. The aggregate of temperature readings across the globe give a rise of approximately 0.6 degrees centigrade.

The Earth has been through many periods, lasting 100's of millions of years, of very warm weather with no human activity, and absolutely no burning of fossil fuels! The $64 billion dollar question though is this: Is this man-made or is this natural?

Certain scientists are telling us that the particles and pollution in the upper-atmosphere are acting as a blanket or barrier that is keeping in heat, gradually leading to increasing temperatures, known as "Global Warming".

Surely though these same particles that act as a thermal barrier to stop heat dissipating in the evening must also stop the Sun's rays coming through during the day.


Is this the missing part of the equation that explains why so many of the computer simulations that are modelling climate change have the Earth heating up way too quickly?

It may even be possible that the melting glaciers and ice-caps releasing huge quantities of carbon dioxide are acting as a natural thermostat as this extra CO2 leads to cooling once it reaches the atmosphere.

I am not saying do not recycle and conserve where ever possible. But if these scientists and their computer simulations are wrong then we may condemn billions around the world to a life of poverty as they are not allowed the benefits of globalisation.

I am not a scientist, I am no expert, I am no one special, but I can not be the only person that thinks this way. If you think the same then let me know.

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