Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Unofficial Meta Crawler

I came across an interesting new search engine recently:

The idea behind it seems to be that most web users will only be interested in the first page of results from any search engine as these are usually the most relevant. supports this by combining the output from a number of the top search engines such as Google, Yahoo , AOL etc to give the most pertinent results. Hence they describe themselves as the Unofficial MetaCrawler.

Another useful facility is the Latest-Search button. This allows anyone to see what other users are searching for in real-time. If you do a search and then immediately click on '15 Latest Searches' you then get to see your search added to the list.

It may not be as accurate as Google but is a lot more fun!

1 comment:

Charlse said...

Acturally build a simple web crawl only have 400 lines of code, so many crawls on the web, google is one of them.