Saturday, March 11, 2006

International Women's Day 15 of 21

Three more bloggers to publicise International women's Day, the first two featured on Bloggers Home Page itself:

  • Freelance writing advice "...okay students, in yesterday's lecture we covered the importance of research, the supremacy of “the offer”, and the necessity of clarifying the response mechanism. You are now one step closer to writing money-making copy!" This is one of our very own bloggers. Sharon's blog is loaded with tips on freelance and creative writing, simple but effective methods to promote your website, and ways to make money from writing. If you are interested in any of the above make sure you visit asap.
  • Come on mom and pops....let's blog! The Mommy Blogger has great information for parents and expecting parents. "Breastfedbabies have the most explosive poops!! I can not believe my daughter sometimes…it literally got all over the wall one day. It’s like beat the clock or beat the poop bomb everytime I change her!! But how do you know if your baby has diarrhea - it’s so messy to begin with?" It didn't seem right not to have at least one 'mommy blogger ' so here is the original and surely the best.
  • It's all about me. My life, my way. "Recently I was talking to my 73-year-old father about relationships, and he mentioned to me how sad he thinks it is that people are waiting longer and longer to get married. "When I met your mother, I couldn't wait to spend forever with her. If people love one another, why not start a future right away?""Because, Dad, things are different now. My generation has certain opportunities and luxuries that yours never had. Now, life isn't just about finding the right person and settling down. It's about finding ourselves." The theme here is: "it's all about me". This doesn't seem unreasonable as it is a blog after all! An in-depth exploration of a single life.

Only six more bloggers to go, three more tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for including me on this list. Do you blog on WritingUp as well?

Marissa said...

Thank you so much for including me here! I really appreciate it!

Anonymous said...

I've seen blog and I respectively disagree with your assessment of it being the original and the best.

Try instead. She's funny, she's pretty, she's smart and she's honest. And she can spell. And she has also been called the original mommy blogger and her blog shows it a lot more.

The other one looks a lot like a link farm. Or close to it.