- www.angelwithanattitude.typepad.com Witty, charming, loving, shrewd-An angel with an attitude "...once bitten, twice shy. To surrender would mean remaining open to the possibility of being bitten, yet again. But once you've been ravaged so fiercely that an emptiness the likes of carlsbad's cavern is located where your heart used to be, even the nibbles are enough to cause a retraction so far into the depths of loneliness that the four letter word renders itself even more elusive than before. The innocent until proven guilty philosophy has shown itself to be my worst enemy. My trust is now earned, and not given. I read somewhere that the harder your heart breaks the more fiercely you love the next time the opportunity presents itself. If this is the case, then the next form of life who dares to cross over into these depths should be well armored." To down-to-earth to be close to heaven, but it might take you to a higher level.
- www.mphoinix.blogspot.com A slice of life....addicted to scrapbooking, I must scrap everday. My passion is travelling. I am a temporary citizen of whatever country I happen to be in. "What ways have you made a difference to in someone's life? I challenge you to make a difference whether paying the toll for the person behind you, or offering to read to an elderly person in a nursing room you don't know. Make a difference!" A mosaic of travel, family, music and religion: a celebration of life!
- www.dtrant.blogspot.com Let me go on and on "Daily trials of my psychotic life dealing with issues that come my way. Some posts are positive ones, some are negative, most material deals with issues of the gay & lesbian community...Enjoy the ride as I display my life online like a complete nut that I am!" Hang on to this one!
The final three bloggers tomorrow.
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